I caught an itch to write a piece of fan fiction in the Bright universe. I wonder if there are any restrictions to doing so other than the obvious of not trying to make money off it? It's a work in progress, but it can be found on archiveofourown[dot]org.
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If you want to create a timeline on the film Bright ask the Games Workshop for help, these guys are good at it, because they created Warhammer Fantasy.
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I was just thinking about the Founding Fathers of America, and it makes me wonder what did they think of Orcs and other races and how the Constitution was written in that World.
What about WW2? Was Hitler an orc? We know there were thousands murdered in Russia for some reason
What about Medieval Times? Integration of the races?
Giants used for war times?
Elves being massacred in Germany maybe?
I would like to see the species be integrated into history eventually
Recently having seen this movie I was wondering with all these other races on Earth how much would this cause history to diverge from our world?
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